Monday, December 11, 2017

Two Wyoming Boys


Well things are about to get crazy.... We went to columbia and dropped Elder Fitzgerald off. Then we picked up my new trainee! His name is Elder Colton Cook! The crazy part is, He is from Jackson Hole Wyoming, andddddd We played basketball against each other in High School!!! What are the freaking chances?! haha Its so crazy. Has soon as I walked in the room and first saw him, I recognized him. Then we found out that we were going to be companions and it was so weird! President Christiansen told me that since 2 Wyoming boys were in Cumberland together, Cumberland would never be the same! haha When I found out Elder Cook was going to be my companion, I instantly thought... Whats kin of things did I say to him on the court?!?! lol I cant remember, but im sure there was something.. haha

Everything in the area is going great. We have 6 on date now and they will all be baptized this transfer. Ray, he agreed to be baptized on December 30th!! I cannot wait. This gospel is going to change the mans life!! We have been trying desperately to get him off smoking and alcohol. We taught him the Word of Wisdom after church yesterday. We even bought him Zonic, which is a preventing smoking gum. We bought him mints and all sorts of things to get him off smoking. We have been showing him all the Joseph Smith movies and he loves them all! haha He knows with all his heart that Joseph was a prophet. Its amazing to see! 

 I havent handed any of the nativity scenes out yet. I was going to wait until Christmas, and then hand them out to investigators and the Ward members! I love the little things! haha

Its super funny that the kids asked santa for weird things! haha And that jessicas sister said you werent real!  haha I guess you need to gain a little weight huh?! haha Im sure ya looked just like Grandpa Welling! It woulda been awesome to see! haha I remember when I was a kid, I would always get so nervous when santa came into the gym and the bells were ringing. Then me and Katie would run outside to see if we could see his sleigh taking off.. haha we would stand out there for a solid 10 minutes looking dumbly into the sky.. hahahaha Good times! 
My first week taking over the area was a little stressful. We have a lot of investigators we have to see and then when the sisters left they handed us all of there investigators too! Which, we will stay busy. But its so much to take on at once. My companion is pretty homesick. 
     In the MTC, They keep you so busy, you dont have to think about home. But has soon as you hit the field, it all comes around and smacks you in the face! It all comes back to you and themn 2 years starts to seem like a loooooong time. Which it is. But when you first come out it feels even longer. So thats where he is at right now. Its kinda cool to see how far I have came though! I mean, just 4 months ago I was where he was at! But he is pretty homesick right now.
     This last week has been great though. We have 6 people on date that will be baptized this transfer! I seriously cannot wait. 4 are set for Dec. 30th, 1 for January 6th, and another for January 12th! They are all great people. I love every single one of them!! 
     No, I did not feel the earth quake! But im sure the missionaries in Baltimore did! haha How would you feel if I got transferred to Baltimore next? haha 
This past week we were going to see Ray. Ray lives in an apartment building. But the outside of this building looks like a big sketchy house.. haha So we walk in and are standing in the downstairs lobby thing and the stench of smoke is unreal. Cigerettes out here are the worst. Ive had people blow smoke in my face on the streets.. anyways we are standing there and niether of us are wanting to walk up the scary, narrow steps first.. I have been up there before, but I hate it every time. So since I am now the older guy, I decided I was a pretty tough guy and that I was gonna walk up first. So we walk up these loud wooden steps and get to the top.. Now this is a 3 story house, all the lights are off and it smells like smoke. So we get to the top and turn the corner and look down the long dark hallway. Me, still thinking im pretty tough proceed to walk down the hallway. Well, Out of freaking no where this lady with long, spiked up, black hair jumps out of her door way right in front of me and just stares at us. Of course this scares the heck out of me and I screamed a little.. haha I really wanted to roundhouse kick her in the face! So after she jumps out, we kinda just stood there for an awkward 30 seconds. She then walked into her room and we hurried and ran passed the door. I looked into her room and ashe was just walking laps around the round table in the middle of her dark room.. Im pretty sure she was a little messed up. haha Anyways we get to Rays room and he tells us that this lady always waits for people to come up or down the stairs and then she scares them! And she isnt a pleasant sight. I really did feel like I was in a horror movie! She looked like the grandma off of the visit.. haha 
    Anyways, Im glad you all are having a great week. The work out here is moving forward and the Lord is hastening it. When I used to hear the Lord is hastening his work back home it didnt really mean a thing to me. But now that I am here in the middle of it, It means the world to me. The gospel blesses lives and saves many. My testimony grows every time I testify of the Savior. Its crazy how much love I have for the guy. Even in the loneliest moments on my mission I have found that I was never alone. This is his work! Anyway it also sounds like you will have a busy week! Im glad that the snow isnt crazy over there yet! haha It snowed here for a bit and then it melted and we are just back to the cold air! haha Anyways I hope you have a great week! I love and pray for you all daily! Love ya!

                                                                                      Love, Elder Welling!

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