Monday, June 18, 2018

Sad Week, Infestation and Great Blessings

Hey All!!

Well... Quite a sad week. We had Zone Conference on Wednesday June 13th and it was President and Sister Christiansen’s last Zone Conference before they go home. It was also the last time I will get to see them before they go home... So it was actually really sad. When returned missionaries say how much they loved their mission presidents, I know why. I love President and Sister Christiansen sooo much.
And was so blessed to be able to serve with them. They have blessed my life and taught me a ton! They were pretty emotional as they gave their departing testimonies... President said he would serve with us another 3 years if he could. He loves us and you can just tell by the way he looks at you. I'm not going to lie.. I almost cried after saying goodbye haha I felt like I was saying my good byes at the MTC all over again! I just didn't want to say goodbye. But they will be leaving July 1st. The new mission president flies in at 4:00pm June 30th!
I also had to say goodbye to my favorite elder in our mission! Elder Palmer.. He is our assistant and he has been an assistant for 9 months. When I got to the mission he was only a Zone leader.. But he was the first missionary I talked to when I came into the mission 10 months ago! He is from Lyman Wyoming and he and I have grown close ever since. He lives in Arizona now.. But I love the guy! He calls me his Wyoming Brother. I sent a picture home of me and him! I looked up to him a ton. And will miss him as well.
West Virginia Never ceases to amaze me.. Haha while working one evening we were in the wayyyy back hills of West Virginia. Like there was no signs of life anywhere. Well we pull up to this house and begin talking with these people. I quickly recognize that these people don't use electricity, power or anything like that. No cell phones, phones or anything. (They were not Amish) haha anyways we sat down on the wooden chairs on the front porch looking out at the West Virginia trees and hills..and I really did feel like I was back in the old days.. As we were talking I asked the older gentlemen to use his restroom. He answers yes.. And says "It's in the back" and he points behind the house. Now.. If you can imagine my face when he said this then you would see my jaw drop and sit there in shock. Haha I looked at my Companion and just gave a little sly smile of shock.. Haha I walk around the back of the house and sure enough.. There is a little wooden OUTHOUSE just back in the trees!! And yes.. I used it! Hahaha I can officially say I used a West Virginia Outhouse!! Hahaha while using it I just couldn't stop laughing.. I mean, you only see this stuff in the movies! We then walked back around to the front and washed our hands in a plastic tub because they didn't have running water.. Crazyyyy. And to make it all better.. These people have never in their lives seen an actual CD disc.. Haha Anyways it was quite the experience and I will never forget it.
This week was awesome though. We have been working with an investigator named Bob and he is awesome. We taught him the Gospel of Jesus Christ this week and the lesson was sooo powerful. At the end of the lesson I looked at Elder Munden and mouthed "Baptism" at him. He gave me a wink back so I knew we were going for the biggg commitment. So at the end of the lesson we invited Bob to be baptized and Confirmed by someone holding the Priesthood Authority of God. He said Yes!!! We said the goal of July 14th. So we will see what happens! Pray for him!

We also had another Infestation of Cock Roaches this week... They are now everywhere and it makes me sick to think about. They are getting into the food and it makes me not want to eat! We even found one in the fridge!! Anyways we cleaned all our cupboards out and trashed 80% of the food. So we are broke now.. Haha it's been pretty disgusting. Not only do we have roaches.. But we have spiders EVERYWHERE. And we also have ants EVERYWHERE. I'm going to lose my mind. Everything and everywhere has at least 1 bug on it at all times. Gross..

While driving in the back hills of West Virginia, we noticed a little white beater car following us for quite some time. Every turn we made, the white cat made. This car was trashhhh haha anyways it kept following and following. And then started honking at us as if they wanted us to pull over. But the only way I was going to stop was if the spirit told me to.. And it was for sure telling me not to. So we never did! Eventually it stopped following us. I'm surprised they didn't start shooting at us.. Haha

Also, there was a Methodist lady here in Romney that stopped us while we were walking down the street and asked if she could buy us dinner at the new BBQ place here in Romney. We didn't refuse of course ;) we get there and no joke.. She buys us $50 worth of smoked meats. Including 2 racks of ribs. It was legit. We took a lot of meat home! Haha as we were eating some of it with her she explained how impressed she was with our church. She said she loves and is so impressed by its structure and organization. She said we are wayyyy ahead of the game. She then went on to say "This food is the least I could do for you guys. You guys light up the streets and bring them to life.". She then says "we as Christians try to Evangelize and help others when we can.. But your church and your religion blows us wayyyy out of the water. You are way ahead of all other religions. Thanks for all you do for this community.". It made my week! Great people like that make very thing worth it! 
It's been pretty dang hot over here this week. This humidity is kicking my trash. I'm sweating through my suits and that is disgusting.. I instantly start sweating as soon as I walk outside.. Haha it's really weird. Yesterday I got a paperback book of Mormon out of the car so we could go knock doors, and the humidity was so thick that the Book of Mormon pages were starting to wither up and look like they were soaked and then dried hahaha it was crazy

Thanks for all the emails!! I love and miss you! Have a great week!

Love, Elder Welling! 

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