Monday, January 14, 2019

Praying to find the elect

Hey All!

What a week it has been here in Luray Virginia. We have been sooo busy. Which is good. Haha to start off the week we had exchanges with The Front Royal Elders and that was good! One of the Elders named Elder Beus came to Luray with me and he has only been out for about 3 months.

Elder Kershaw and I one night were sitting in our car across the street from a members home here in Luray at about 8:50 using their wifi and finishing up some things we needed to do before we went home. While sitting in the car, a man comes and knocks on Elder Kershaws window. We roll it down and he says: "Do y’all know anyone that lives here in this house?" we say no we did not because the house we were in front of was a random persons. He says "Do y’all come around here a lot?" we answered not really. He then says: "That's interesting because we have been having some break-ins here lately" and then he just walks away into the house he was talking about which meant it was his house. Haha so we sat there and continued to do our thing and then before we knew it there were cops all around our car with lights flashing in on our windows. We roll down the window and there are 3 cop cars around us. Not just one cop car.. But 3. Haha I thought they were going to have me and Elder Kershaw on the hood in cuffs patting us down. Haha anyways we explained to them who we were and what we were doing and they were super chill about it and let us go. So no harm was done! Haha 

President Mutombo has been challenging us all lately to pray morning and night for The Lord to give us an elect person every day. He promised that if we would do this, then the Lord would place an elect person in our path every day! So this week Elder Kershaw and I did his challenge and it was so true! A few days ago we prayed for an elect person to come into our view and no joke we found a FAMILY here in Luray VA.. Here is the crazy story about them. Haha we knock on their door and we hear a man's voice from inside yell "Come in!" we were a little hesitant because no one just yells, come in without seeing who we are first.. Haha so we walk in and he asks us to sit down and he was super open to hearing us out. As we sat there and talked with them all, the wife and all the kids come out as well and start talking with us. Well guess what?! While talking to the wife, she told us that she had been to our church before but that it had been a long time ago! She then told us that she had actually talked with missionaries 24 years ago and that the elder that taught her still sends her Christmas cards! And now here we are 24 years later sitting in her living room after we knocked on a completely random door. Haha The Lord for sure led us to that door. We may not have known it, but He did!

Then later in the week we were praying and praying again that The Lord would lead us to an Elect person. Well a week ago a man stopped us at McDonald's and told us that he was a member of the Church and that he works here in Luray but doesn't live here. He told us that he has a person that works for him that is super interested in the Gospel and wants to meet with us. So.. Yesterday we get a text from this man and he says "Elders, Mandy has been sick. She has asked for a blessing. Can you go give her one??" so we head over to her house. When we get there this lady is just so excited to meet us! We give her the blessing and teach her a little bit. The member who works with her has already taught her all 3 lessons and has her on the Gospel Library app, and has her listening to General Conference! She is so elect and so prepared for the Gospel. How it all started was about a year ago, Mandy's nephew Committed Suicide. When he did so, all the members of the church she was attending told her that her nephew was going straight to hell. Well she was one day talking about this at work and the man, who is a member of our church overheard her talking about what happened. He stepped in and told her that her nephew wasn't going to hell. And then boom.. She told us that when he said that it seemed like her world opened up and her view changed.

It strengthened my testimony a ton and here is why. It doesn't matter where we are, who we are with, or what we are doing. There is someone around us that is hurting, searching for truth, or just having questions. All we have to do is open our mouths and testify of a restored truth. Because this member did so, and because He did it so simply and smoothly, this woman is now SOOO excited and so prepared to meet with us this coming Friday. People are searching for the truth, but they know not where to find it and all we have to do Is open our mouths!

Another time this week we were praying for another elect person for that day. I was in the shower and while thinking about what we were going to do that day, I had a random thought to go to Page one, which is a place we go and do service once a week on Wednesdays. The only problem was today wasn't Wednesday, it was Friday. And we never go on Fridays. But I trusted the thought and we planned to go To page one to
Do service. Well we get there to Page one and we start doing what we normally do and then I realized the reason that The Lord sent us here today. A black deaf man comes walking in the door. And I speak Sign Language. This week has built my faith in Promptings as well as finding elect people that want truth so much! All we have to do is ask and seek from the Lord and He will give it to us.

My week has been busy and full of instances where I see that the Lord truly is in every aspect of our lives. He Loves us and is so aware of us. And He is so willing to guide us! The promptings we receive will move us forward if we follow them.

Thanks for the emails and for the love and support. I love and miss ya! Have a great week!!

Love, Elder Welling!

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