Monday, January 7, 2019

Great Week at MLC

Hey All!!

Well 2019 is officially here and rolling! I can't even believe it. But it sounds like you all had a great week. Dad got sworn into city council and you are again on the school board. I'm so glad that Jason is doing so much better. I'm sure the prayers and fasting of all who love him have accelerated his recovery this far. And the news about Bill and the medicine trial made me so happy! That is so good to hear that he is doing so good with it. 

I was so glad to read about your experiences doing "Come follow me" this week!! As missionaries we are not required to do it. But I personally chose to do it. So whenever I have time, I will study it and do what it tells me to do. Recently I have been studying the New Testament a ton so I have loved learning more about it!

This week has been pretty good! We had some sketchy experiences and some really good ones! Haha the really good experience was MLC which is a Mission Leadership Council. All of the Zone Leaders and District Leaders and Sister Training Leaders met up with President and the Assistants in Fredrick Maryland for a meeting. This one was pretty long. We got there at 7:40 and didn't get done until about 5:30/6:00! It was a looooong meeting. But a good one!! President Mutombo, like I have said before, has SO MUCH faith. Like it's insane. Our mission on average baptized about 300 people every year. Which for the east coast is pretty good. Haha but President Mutombo this last week at MLC told us all that he thinks we should and could be baptizing 1000 people every year. INSANE. BUT A GOOD INSANE. haha

While at MLC I had 4 of my previous companions there. They are all District Leaders so it was super cool to see them all again! Elder Munden, Elder Jackson, Elder Cook, and Elder Jex were all there!

While walking around this last week we were walking in the rain and it was dark. So it may it harder to see as we were out and about. Anyways I was walking on this paved road and didn't really see the ground in front of me and then Bam.. I fell right into a hole.. Haha what happened was there was a water pipeline hole that didn't have one of those heavy metal caps on it.. It was off to the side and my whole right leg dropped down inside the hole. It actually really hurt because my whole body fell on the pavement and scrapped everything up. Haha good times.

We found one new friend to teach here in Luray this week. His name is James Burraker. He is an older man and he is stuck in his ways on religion. But he is willing to listen and we will take it! Haha

I am so excited for this year. So many exciting things are going to be happening. But I am looking forward to setting and reaching my goals that I want to accomplish this year. There are a ton of things I feel like I have to do before I go home in August and there isn't a ton of Time to do it is what it feels like right now. Haha like David said, I only have 7 more fast Sundays.. Holy crap. But I am looking forward to reaching higher this year and continuing to strive to be the servant the Savior wants me to be before I get home. I want to set the tone and pace in the Gospel before I go home that will carry me on throughout my life. This is all so true! I have been so blessed in my life and He continues to bless me daily with His love and guidance.

I hope you all have a great week! I love and miss ya and hope everything continues to go up hill! It sounds like every ones life just got a lot better! Haha have a great week. Love ya!

Love, Elder Welling!

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