Monday, January 28, 2019

Staying in Luray...Hooray

Hey All!

Well.. I have said it before and I am going to say it again. Haha on the mission, The Branch Life is the Best Life! I found out this week that I will be staying another transfer here in Luray Virginia. Which will be my 6 transfer in a small branch here on the east coast! Which adds up to 9 months of my mission out of 18 months so far. Haha that's half of my mission I have been in a branch! I have loved it though. There are lessons to be learned in areas like this that you can't find anywhere else. I have learned so much and love the branches where I have served.

This week has been the usual week, we tracked and tracked and tracked and then, tracked some more. Haha I always find it fascinating that ways people find to either hide or run from us. Haha and it's always Interesting to see the way they reject us. Haha it's different every time.

This week we got to do something super cool! A few times this week, we used our handy dandy technology and I Skype Elder Munden and Elder Shepard and all 3 of us practiced ASL this week together a few times. It was legit. And of course it was a good time chilling with my old friend Elder Munden. He and I still talk all the time. Haha

Something I have been focusing a ton on this week is really trying to listen for the spirit. And as I have focused on this, it has amazed me how often the spirit prompts us to do things! It also amazed me how eager the Lord is to guide us and direct us to where he wants us. The constant companionship of the Holy Ghost is one of God's greatest gifts to His children on earth. We can't gain salvation without it, that's what's crazy to think about. 

The weather here hasn’t been bad. A few days this week have been COLD. But other than that it has been pretty mild here.

Anyways nothing huge happened this week. But the works continues to roll on! I'm excited to be here in Luray for another 6 weeks and I am looking forward to seeing where the Lord takes this area. In my interview with President Last week he told me that he keeps me in branches because I have the skills and traits, and tools necessary to change and help the branch. So he decided to keep me another. I look forward to working more with the branch!
Baptism wise we have no one super close.. But we have this lady named Mandy and we are really focusing on her. She is so elect and so prepared. She loves the Church and we are looking forward to focusing on her

That's great that grandma got hi Def TV now!  I can imagine grandma Welling chilling there with her huge TV watching the jazz! That's so cool! 

Thanks for the email and the love and support. I hope you have a great week! I love and miss ya!

Love, Elder Welling!

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