Monday, February 4, 2019

I love this mission

Hello All,

What a week you all had with basketball and work and school. Sounds like Caleb was killing it in basketball! 

My week was good! This week has been very successful with finding and teaching people about THE restored Gospel of Jesus Christ!! 

President Mutombo has recently been challenging us as a mission to pray day and night for The Lord to place the elect people in our path every day. He promised us that The Lord would do this, if we will act in Faith. We have been doing so every day this week, and we have seen the promises of our inspired mission president come True!! Before leaving the house yesterday morning we prayed for an elect person to be put in our path. We felt inspired to go and see a potential named Dylan that was in our area book. So we stop by this evening and we knock on the door. An older lady comes to the door, and answers. We ask, "Hey is Dylan here?!" and she very quickly said "No, he doesn't live here." BUT then a young man from behind her stands up quickly and says "I'm Dylan!" he then steps out on the porch and starts to talk with us. (Grandma inside wasn't happy.. Haha) anyways, he then said "it's weird that you two showed up today. I just got out of jail and I was wanting to strengthen my relationship with Jesus Christ. So it's wild that you two showed up." Elder Kershaw and I almost fell off our rockers!!! ANYWAYS.. Praying for the Elect day and night will happen if we act in Faith! It was so cool to see Dylan go against the crowd and opposition ( His grandma.. ) just to come out and listen to what we have to say about Jesus Christ!! A few months ago Elder D. Todd Christopherson came to our mission and promised us very many blessings in the name of Jesus Christ. This is one of many that has come true and been fulfilled. Here is what he said:
"I promise that Scattered Israel will recognize the voice of the Good Shepherd, and embrace the restored truths" 
-Elder Christofferson

Another time this week we were out and about doing our usual thing. Well we decided to go to a man's house named Audre King. He is the coolest guy ever. He is a pastor of a Pentecostal Preacher here! Well, we knocked in the door and he let us right in and he had 2 friends there named Patrick and Tyrone. As we sat there with them Audre King, the pastor asked us to share with his friends what we believe and a little bit about what we do as missionaries! So we sat there and taught them almost the entire restoration! It was sooooo cool. They said that it made so much sense and that they loved it. We look forward to getting in with them again and teaching them more. Once again, President Mutumbo's promise has once again came true.

We had stake conference this last week and we had Elder Milan F. Kunz of the Seventy there! He talked about never ever losing our testimony of The Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. And never lose your testimony of our Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ. 

With that being said, prior to this stake conference, I have actually been focusing a ton to anchoring my heart and soul into Jesus Christ and building a foundation that will never fall. It has been so cool to focus on building my personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Daily repentance, exercising faith, and keeping my covenants has all strengthened my relationship with Christ. I'm so grateful for the opportunity I have had to serve Him for the last 18 months. Slowly but surely he has taught me, helped me, and strengthened me!

Anyway, my week was so good! I am loving my mission, I love the area and I love the branch! I hope you have a great week! I love and miss ya!!

Love, Elder Welling!

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