Monday, February 25, 2019

It's Great to be a Missionary

Hey All!

I cannot explain how much of a blessing it has been to serve Jesus Christ for these last 18 months. I never could have imagined before I left the experiences and feelings that I would have while serving.

I've learned a lot of important things the last 18 months, that will stay with me my entire life. I often times wonder to myself which are the most important things I have learned. It's so hard to narrow it down! But I have managed to narrow it down and chose one thing. The number one most important thing that I have learned for myself is that The Atonement of Jesus Christ is REAL. It is an actual power that works within us. The Atonement of Christ brings mercy, forgiveness and peace to everyone that asks for it. It amazes me how quick The Lord is to forgive if we repent and Change. Everything that I have learned, everything that I have changed, everything that I am, has come from The Atonement of Jesus Christ.

It took me a really looooong time to figure out why mission are so hard. I would always sit and think and think and think on why it had to be so hard. Why we were rejected so much. Why we were made fun of and laughed at. This is the true Church. This is the truth and the way in the world today. But, after a looooong time of thinking and wondering why it had to be so hard to serve, I came to the conclusion that if missions were easy there would be no point to them. It would be pointless to go and serve for 2 years if missions were easy. God purposely intended them to be difficult because He needs us to learn, grow, and experience hard things. My mission has also allowed me to see, in a small degree, what Jesus Christ went through as He walked the streets trying to help and save people. My mission has given me the upmost appreciation for what He did for us, and has allowed me to be grateful for the hard times I have had. He walked through all of my hard times for me 2000 years ago and that has helped me in so many ways.

This week we taught a man in Front Royal named Shane. This man has gone through a lot of trials and a lot of hard times. His wife passed away 6 months ago. She was a member of the church and he is not. As we talked with him about The Restoration, he told us how badly he wanted to be sealed to his wife. How badly he wanted to be with her. Since she has passed, he has gone to the cemetery every single day for 6 months and sat at her grave. But as we taught him about The Restored Priesthood power that seals families on earth and in heaven, he felt the joy of the gospel! It was a great experience to feel the power of the spirit that night in his home as we talked about the sealing power that has been restored to the earth.

We also got thrown out of an apartment building this week and that was pretty wild. Haha all we were doing was talking a guy about the church and the manager lady came up to us yelling and cussing us out, telling us to get out of there or she was going to call the cops. The sarcastic Nate came out of me there and I fired back at her.. I just couldn't go down without a fight ya know? She didn't really like that I fired back. But it made her be quiet Haha anyways, we ended up leaving. Even though I didn't want to. Hahaha 

It's been a great week here in Luray and I love being a missionary. It has allowed me to distinguish what temporary happiness is, and what lasting joy is! I hope you have a great week in WYO!! I miss that place. I love and miss you!

Love, Elder Welling!

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