Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Busy Busy Busy Week

Hey All! 

This week we have been busy, busy, busy. I feel like we are making great progress with the things that we are pushing for and everything is going great!

This week, Elder Kershaw and I were at the church real fast to use the wifi to message some of the people we are teaching. While there we message a good friend of ours named Mark Stanley. We have been working and teaching Mark and his Wife Laura since the first week that I got here in Luray.. Which has been 18 weeks.. Haha well earlier this week we were messaging him and following up with him about the lesson we had with him a night earlier. In the lesson the night earlier we talked about the power of prayer and the witness that will come with it 
of the truth by the power of The Holy Ghost. We committed him to pray that night to see if The Church was The Church of Jesus Christ on the earth today. Then while messaging him, we ask him how his prayer went. We said: "Hey Mark!!! We wanted to message you and ask if you had a chance to pray about The Church of Jesus Christ last night? How did you feel?" He then replies with this: "Yes, that it is true." Elder Kershaw and I then reply with this: "That's so awesome that you received an answer. What do you feel like you need to do with this knowledge that you now have?" He then replies with something that about made our Jaws drop and hit the floor.. Haha here is what he said to this: "Pray, repent, and be baptized." Elder Kershaw and I were in complete shock.. Haha it was crazy!! We then sent this message: "Mark, will you prepare to be baptized on April 13, 2019 by someone holding the priesthood authority of God?" Mark them replies with: "Yes, I will try." let me tell ya.. RARELY do missionaries get a chance to invite someone to a baptismal date over the phone! This was all done on Facebook messenger. So crazyyyyy!! We literally committed a man to be baptized into The Church of Jesus Christ over Facebook! Hahaha so it was pretty cool to see. I love Mark and Laura a ton! They are some of the best people I have met here in Luray.

Earlier last week Elder Kershaw entrusted me to be his barber.. He was getting some long hair and so we set up the barber shop in our apartment bathroom, and we got to work on his hair. It was all going great for the first few shaves on the sides. But then we decided to go a bit shorter.. And that's when we messed up! Haha we cut it too short and we couldn't do much about it.. So we ended up shaving his whole head. The very unfortunate thing about this is he goes home In 10 days and has an army buzz cut.. Hahaha we about died laughing!

Practicing ASL has been going great this week. We have been doing Skype lessons with the ASL sisters here in the stake and I've been learning lots! I finally understand the way the language all comes together. Before I knew a bunch of words, but now I know how to blend them together to talk to someone! Haha so it has been super cool!

Anyways, this next week we will find out if I am being transferred or not! If I stay I will be doing 6 months in Luray Virginia. That's wild! I guess we will see! I hope you have a great week! I love and miss ya!

Love, Elder Welling! 

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