Monday, March 25, 2019

Baltimore is wild and I love it

Heyyyyy All!!

Baltimore is Soooo wild and I love it! There are so many things going on at once and it's just funny to watch sometimes.

Like I have said before, the bus rides are always the most entertaining. You see just about everything while sitting on a bus day after day! This week, while sitting on the bus, a lady in the wayyyy front yells all the way to us at the back of the bus: "Hey, Y’all Mormons??" I nod my head yes and then look at my companion Elder Howell. When I look at my companion, he is slowly shaking his head in a panic kind of way and mouths the words: "Elder She is crazy" (I didn't know beforehand that he had already had previous encounters with this same woman on the bus). Anyways after I nod my head yes to this lady in response to her question, she begins to push her way through this jammed packed bus full of people, with her 3 bags.  She makes it all the way to the back of the bus where we are sitting.  Haha she sits down right in front of me, and pulls out a Bob Marley CD.  She asks if I have ever heard of Bob, I again nod my head yes. She then puts the CD back in her bag and then looks up at me and just starts singing Bob Marley as loud as she can!  All heads on the bus turn, and while she is singing she is looking right at me the whole time.  Everyone was laughing and looking at us.  Which means my face went pretty dang red of course.  I then start to casually try and get her to stop singing, while doing so I look to my companion for help out of this awkward situation and he is looking out the window as if he didn't know me.  Haha

While waiting for a bus this week at a bus stop, I decided to buy a donut at the Dunkin Donuts that was right next to the bus stop. We walk in, buy the donuts, and then stand and eat them real fast.  I'm not sure why, but the bus stops seem to be the place where the drug deals happen the most.  Haha while standing at the bus stop eating the donuts, we see all these dudes standing in a circle.  Then the guy that seemed to be in charge of the group just casually whips out a huge bag of weed as if nothing is wrong (IN PLAIN SIGHT) and starts spreading his wealth to everyone in the circle.  I about died!  Haha but I guess that is the norm around here.

Another weird thing that happens on the bus here where we are at is there is a guy that I call "The Soap Guy" hahaha. The reason that he gets this name is because he will get on the bus each day with his huge back pack.  He will then make his way to the back of the bus, takes off his back pack and opens it up. People begin to crowd around him and he starts unloading bottles and bottles of Suave Shampoo and soap.  And then he sells and deals all this soap on the bus as if they are drugs! Haha I kinda just laugh because I guarantee that 100% of the soap being dealt and sold by "The Soap Guy" was stolen. The adventures and memories I have made on the bus in the last 2 weeks have been quite interesting! Haha

On a different note, we have an amazing friend of ours named Travis and he is getting baptized this Saturday at 3:00pm! He is the most intelligent man I have ever met.  Haha he studies The Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and other things on so much!  For example, we went in to teach him the Law of Chastity and the Word of Wisdom last week.  We have not even mentioned these things to Travis at all.  We thought this would be his first introduction to both commandments.  Well,  we began by asking him if he knew anything at all about the word of wisdom? He then replies: "Oh yes! I have actually been without coffee now for 3 weeks!"... Now, the requirement for Baptism is that you have to be clean from anything that breaks the Word of Wisdom for 2 weeks before your baptism. But Travis had already studied and started living the commandment 3 weeks before we even taught it to him! Haha he is insanely intelligent.  He is super cool and I can't wait for him to be baptized this week!

We had stake conference here in the Baltimore Maryland Stake Yesterday!  It was super good!  Just from the Chesapeake ward we had 8 investigators at church today!  3 of which came with Elder Howell and I! It was super cool!

The area here has been great for me and I am loving it. There are people everywhere and we always, always have someone to talk to! Which is a blessing.  Haha I love riding the bus and I love the members here!

Thanks for the updates! I love and miss you! Have a great week!

Love, Elder Welling

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