Monday, June 3, 2019

Staying in Chesapeake and Hunting Mice

Hey All!! 

On Saturday we found out that Elder Beus and I will BOTH be staying another transfer here in Baltimore!! I was sooooo excited when I found out and I am super happy that I don't have to pack all of my stuff up in 2 days.. Haha that's always the worst part of transfers! But I will be doing 6 more weeks here on the Chesapeake Bay, and then I will probably get shipped somewhere else for my last 6 weeks in the mission! 

Unfortunately Elder Coombs is getting transferred out of Baltimore and he is headed to Ellicott City to be a Zone Leader there for his last 6 weeks! It will be pretty sad to see him leave, we partied it up here in Chesapeake! Haha he is definitely one of my best friends in the mission. We may not have been companions, but we were super tight and I love the guy! 

My week has been the usual things of missionary work. We wake up at 6:30, walk out the door at 10:00, talk to as many people as we can, eat some food, talk to some more people, go home at 9:00, and at 10:30 we are out! Hahaha as soon as we hit the pillow we are DEAD. Walking all day every day is killer in the humid and hot heat. Haha

We also have an update on our mouse friend in our apartment.. Earlier this week we had just gotten home for the day at 9:00 pm. Elder Beus was changing his clothes and all of the sudden he just started screaming.. Haha I ran over to the other room and asked him what the heck happened and it turns out that our mouse friend ran across the room that he was in! So of course, we barricaded the doors and made it so that neither the mouse or the missionaries could exit.. Haha we then spent the next 2-3 hours trying to catch and smack the little thing with a broom.. My companion got some videos of me attempting to "Smack it"... Who would have known that something so small can make two 20 year old guys scream like little girls. Haha we unfortunately failed to kill it that night and walked out of the barricaded room with a loss. The next day however we set up a trap in my closet and hoped for the best. Then yesterday when we came in for the evening I was about to take off my tie and put it in my closet. While doing so I looked down and BOOM. We caught the mouse! Haha after 2 transfers of hunting this thing we finally got it! Unfortunately we think that we have more than one.. So we will see. Haha

We found some super sweet people to teach this week! We actually found 2 families, so we are hoping that they progress and continue to meet with us!! One is from the Philippines, and the other is a part Member Family here in the ward! One is a big family and one is small.. But I'm looking forward to working with them, so hopefully we get back in with them!

I am super excited to be spending the next six weeks here in Chesapeake! This area is so sweet, and I love the people! It's a wild city, and it looks a little rough (it doesn't only look that way.. It's rough. Haha) but I have come to love it and I can’t wait to come back one day after I've gone home! After all.. Baltimore is "The Greatest City in America" ;)

I hope you have a great week! I love and miss you!

Love, Elder Welling

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