Monday, August 12, 2019

My Departing Interview

Hey All!!

When I first started emailing on my mission it felt like I was never going to get to this point. I never thought I would be at the point where I could say I only have two more of these emails to send home. Haha but here we are with only 2 weeks until I am home. CRAZY.

I'm looking forward to the next 2 weeks and everything that will come with it. It has been a little stressful trying to send everything home though... I have accumulated lots and lots of stuff over the last 2 years, and trying to get it all home is going be interesting. Haha so pray for me. Hahaha

This week has been another good one in Maryland. My area is called Savage Mill and it's an out skirt town and area of Columbia Maryland which is where our mission Head Quarters are located. So we are super close to everything! This area is actually super close to the Baltimore Airport.. So while I'm walking around day after day trying to finish strong I see about 15 Airplanes a day flying in and out of the BWI Airport.. It's awful. Haha especially when you only have 2 weeks left until it will be you flying out of that same airport!

My departing interview was this last week with President Mutombo. He gave me soooooooo much advice!! Holy cow. I was trying to write everything he was saying to me so fast but I couldn't keep up with all the good advice and spiritual direction he was spouting off! Haha I think I filled up 5 pages of my journal just with things he gave me for my future. President Mutumbo is an inspired man. The advice and spiritual direction that he gave me as I leave this transfer will stick with me the rest of my life, and I will always remember the things he said. It made me excited to go home and continue to grow and progress just as I have while serving as a missionary. I'm definitely going to miss President Mutombo! I can't even begin to explain how big of an impact he has had on my life. I know without a doubt that he was called by God and brought all the way over to The Maryland Baltimore Mission from Africa to bless hundreds and hundreds of American missionaries. He has definitely blessed mine forever.

This last Tuesday I was sitting in the Columbia MD stake Center, and to my surprise my long lost companion Elder Kolton Munden comes walking through the door! I hadn't seen him since January 2019, and now 8 months after I got to see him one last time before I head home. We had a good time catching up. And I'm looking forward to all the good times we will have when we are both back home in the west. Haha

The ward here in Savage Mill is pretty dang sweet. They are super supportive of everything we do, and they feed us a TON. Haha I have had a dinner every single night in this area with a member. It's been crazy. But I love it. Haha you get to know the members so much more when you are in their homes eating dinner with them!

Well, only 2 weeks left and I'm home. I love and miss you, and I can't explain how excited I am to see you again! Haha it's been a long wait, but it's worth it. I love you!

Love, Elder Welling

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