Monday, February 19, 2018

Probably Final Days in Cumberland 😭😭😭

This week actually has been a really good week! We didn’t have a Zone Conference this week. But we did have interviews with President Christiansen! The interview went very well, and I tried very very hard to convince him to leave me in Cumberland another one.. But he said this with a smile on his face..  "The Lord would really have to be telling me that Elder Welling needs to stay in Cumberland, but the chances of that are slim.." So.. I am pretty sure I will be getting transferred out of here next Wednesday! I’m super sad about it, I love my president and he has blessed my life!  I love my ward and the members and the area here. I will for sure miss the area and the people that I have met and came to love.
      We have not received the phones yet.. in about 2 weeks we will have a zone conference and we will be setting up our face books and our phones!! It will be awesome! I am super excited to use them and all of that! All of the missionaries here are very excited for them as well. Our zone leaders and assistants already have a phone as well! They have been using them for everything and it is super weird to see! 
      This week has gone veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyy fast! When we have busy weeks they go by very fast! This past week we met with a woman named Virginia Dale. She was a referral from headquarters and it was a referral from way back in December. We get there and she decides to tell us her life story. Everything in her life has seriously gone bad. Her husband divorced her, her kids left her, her house burnt down, her other husband cheated on her and much more! As we are sitting there, she then says "I was going through the darkest moments of my life. I was begging God to send me something or someone to help me in anyway." She says that has soon as she did that she opened her phone, got on the internet and while doing that, The church website randomly popped up. With tears in her eyes she tells us how she knows that wasn't a coincidence. She tells us that God wanted her to see that website for a reason. She told us that she knew she ran into our religion for a reason. So we come back another time and we teach her the message of the Restored Gospel. We tell her how much it will bless her life and how it can change her life for the better. Again, with tears in her eyes she says "When you guys walked in my house for the first time last week, I could automatically feel something good but different. And as soon as you both left that feeling left. Then again today I felt the same thing." We told her that it wasn’t just a coincidence that she ran into this religion or church. She is doing great and we are going back this week!!
         Oh, by the way, I received the package!! Everything was in it and all was well. I got the scriptures.. I have not given them to Ray yet, But they look awesome! I can’t wait to give them to him! Thank you mom and dad for getting them for him. Ray has been a blessing to my life, and will forever have a place in my heart. I can’t explain in words how much I love the guy. I will write my testimony in them and give them to him! I can’t wait either!!
          Well.. We had lunch with the guy who was giving us a hard time about Ray. The whole entire time he didn’t talk about Ray.. until the very end. It kind of got a little heated. He continually told us again and again how Ray couldn’t change and how there was no way he has stopped smoking and drinking. We tried time and time again saying that he repented and changed. I then turned to him and said "If the Savior walked in that door right now and told you that he had forgiven Ray, then would you believe him?" He says "Even then would I have a problem with it." You should have seen the look on my face when he said that. I’m sure I looked at him and was just boggled at how stupid that answer was. 
       I am also glad that everything is going great at home! Everything is going great here as well! I hope you all have a great week and that you guys are all doing great! I love and miss ya!! 

                                                                         Love, Elder Welling!


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