Monday, April 16, 2018

New Companion and Lots of Service

Hey Everyone! 

I am going to be an uncle in September to a little Boy! I hope he is ready.. He is about to have the greatest uncle ever.. ;)
Well this past week has been a busy one. We had transfers on Wednesday and all the missionaries like usual meet in Columbia Maryland and switch Companions! I dropped Elder Brown off and he went to be a Zone Leader in Woodstock! I then picked up a guy named Elder Kolton Munden! He is from Bountiful Utah and is 19. He has been out on his mission for just over 6 months. He is about 5'6"! He is a pretty chill guy. I think we are going to have a good transfer together! He and I get along and we have similar interests. Very easy to get along with and he loves to work hard. I love the guy already! 
This past week we have been visiting a lot of Potential Investigators and it's been good! We have also received 4 referrals this week! It was awesome! We don't have a ton of investigators right now. But we are currently working on getting more.
We actually had a really good night this last week and taught two Door Step Restoration lessons to a girl named Rebecca and then knocked on another door and taught Thomas! Both accepted a Book of Mormon. And both were very interested! It was an awesome night! Rebecca especially was interested in learning more about how Families can be sealed together for time and all eternity. We asked her the question of this: "Rebecca, God gave us families here on earth and they make us the happiest. They bring us joy in this dark world full of trouble. Why would God take families away after we die if we have so much joy in them now on earth?" she thought for a while and had a lot of questions about how to do be sealed! It was awesome! They both agreed to Read and Pray about the Book of Mormon.
We also went and did a lot of service this week for some members! It was legit. We went to The Pownalls family house and they had baby bunnies and we got to hold some of them! Haha it was awesome! We also fed a lot of chickens and held baby chicks! They are an awesome family and I love being over there with them! The baby bunnies were seriously so small they fit in the palms of my hand. Haha
All in all this week has been full of Miracles. My Companion and I found 1 new investigator and 10 potentials including a family!! It has been amazing to see the work progress and the miracles start to come in! I honestly am starting to love this area.. But I am learning so much here. I am loving the people I come in contact with and am finding joy in the back hills of West Virginia. Haha it's been quite the ride here and I look forward to 5 more weeks of it! 
Elder Cook did get transfered out of Cumberland. That's why I hope that the new missionaries there keep on top of all the people I love over there. I was told Ray hasn't missed a week since I left. He is faithful in the Gospel and that makes me happier then I can explain. Elder Cook was transferred to an area called Damascus. I'm not sure how he felt about it. But he will be fine. 
We got to do some service this week for a friend of mine here in Romney. His name is Dick and I love the guy! We got to mow his lawn and help him with his garden. He is 79 years old and he is so funny! We do service at the Methodist food Pantry with him as well! He always has a new quote for us and they are sooooo funny! Haha while mowing his lawn on Friday, it actually reminded me a lot of when I used to mow Grandpa Wellings lawn. This week while serving I was able to feel the love that grows stronger with serving someone. The more you SERVE a person, the more you love them. Funny how that works! 
My first week of being a district leader was quite fun actually. All the meetings start this week for it all though. We have ZLC this week and MLC. And we also have district meeting! My first one ever that I am in charge of! Haha but I have enjoyed it!  As a district leader we are not set apart. But we are just called and asked to serve as one in leadership. 
I'm glad you all enjoyed the gender reveal that night. You all were on my mind because I knew it was happening!! Haha I'm glad the sisters like being in your home. I can't tell you how much it means to have a members home where they are welcomed and feel at home. I'm serious when I say this, when the sisters say they love being in your home.. It means they feel like they are welcome and right at home. It means so much to missionaries to have home members to go to when we feel down. Trust me.
Everything here in Romney is going great. Great success this week. I'm learning to love the area and the people. West Virginia is so beautiful. The leaves and flowers are coming back. And I'm enjoying my time here serving the Savior. I've learned this week why missionary work is hard. Why we get rejected even though we carry the true message. And after I realized that, I grew a greater love and appreciation for the Savior and what he suffered. When missionaries ask why it's so hard to be out here and to be rejected and to be sad and to ask if there is any other way to do this? We all just need to remember that we walk Shoulder to Shoulder with the greatest and far better missionary that ever lived. The Greatest man who ever lived, was rejected, cast out, spit upon, beaten and tortured. For what? Carrying the same message we do today. The Savior too cried out to his Father in the Garden of Gethsemane that night saying "Abba, Father, all things are possible unto thee; take away this cup from me: nevertheless not what I will, but what thou wilt." The greatest of all even asked if there was any other way to accomplish what he had been sent here to do. It's not easy for us, because it was never easy for him. 

Well thanks for the emails and for letting me know how you and the family are doing! Thanks for all you do! Have a great week! I love and miss ya!! 

Love, Elder Welling

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