Monday, May 21, 2018

Great Week and Baptisms

Hello All

How is everything going?? It looks like you all had a great week! I had a great weekend in Romney as well with Elder Munden. We had the opportunity to find one new investigator this week named Louisa. She's pretty awesome she's super curious about our church and how everything goes with that.

We also were able to go to Cumberland.. my old stomping grounds! While there I had the awesome opportunity to baptize Connor Whitford and also Joseph Hott!! It was so awesome to be able to do that! The experience was awesome. I was so happy when they called me and asked me to Come Back and Baptize them. When I got to the church I was able to see some of my favorite members up there and the boys were already in there white jumpsuits ready to go.
They were sooooo excited to do it! Anyways I loved the experience and I was so happy they asked me to do it. I remember the night I found them back in November! And now they are getting baptized.  After the Baptism, the littlest boy Conner (9 yrs old) came up to his mom and I and his grandpa and said "This was the best decision I have ever made in my life!" it made me so happy when he said it!! But it was funny as well because he is only 9 and has made limited decisions. But he still made the decision to follow Jesus Christ and that is all that matters. Whether you are 9 or 45.. The same decision has to be made! Days like this make all the bad days on a mission worth it! The spirit was strong and I was privileged to help them on the path back to our Heavenly Father! Great experience!

Anyways, it has been raining here like crazy.. The green is really showing out here.. Lol. And all the flowers are coming out and everything. I love it. The humidity is starting to come back and that feels pretty weird!

This week has flown by. And it was the last week of transfers! We start another transfer on Wednesday! And this is President Christiansen's last transfer.. Which is super sad. But I'm excited for what the new president will do. The new mission president is in the process of getting his American visa today actually! He is bringing all 5 kids over!!

We are not having so many roaches anymore.. We are having huge freaking spiders now.. We will be walking through the trailer and a hug spider will be dangling from the web right in middle of the room!! Elder Munden almost walked into a huge one last night!

We have this guy in our trailer park that lives next door to us. And he always comes and knocks on our door telling us that he will mow our lawn. The hard part of it is that he always asks for 12.50$ in exchange. And that's every week. We don't really know how to tell him no.. Because we can't afford that. Hahaha but he names his prices and does it anyways.. So it will be interesting to see what happens with it.

Well everyone I am staying another transfer in Romney! I'm super excited to serve here one more with Elder Munden! We have good times together and laugh constantly. But we also get a lot of work done. The work is moving forward here and it has been amazing to see it move so rapidly!

 We just found out that we will be getting a new car for the Romney area! We are going Wednesday this week on the 23rd to get the new car!! I'm sad to see our car we have now (Pheobee) go.. But she was getting old! Lol

Thanks for all you do! I hit my 9 month mark this week! That's so crazy To me! In the next transfer and a half I will hit my year mark!! And then it's all down hill from there. It's going fast now and it's crazyyyyyyy. Anyways I hope you all have a great week and enjoy the summer that is Coming up here shortly! ;) have a great week! I love and miss you.

Love, Elder Welling! 

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