Monday, August 27, 2018

One Year Mark and New Apartment

Hey All!!

This week has been a good one. We figured the car situation out with the sisters and now we get the car half the week and they get it the other half! So it will be a lot more effective for both of us.

Well, I have loved my mission! There has been the hard times I talked about in my letter. But there has been wayyyy more good times that cover all of those up! The holy and happiness that we get to see all the time is way better than the hard times on the mission.

We really didn't have the most eventful week this week.. We stayed busy all week but I feel like we accomplished nothing.. Haha we knocked a lot of doors and we talked to a lot of people. But none seemed to be interested. We did pick up 2 new investigators this week. One is a Part member family and one is a door knock investigator. So that was good!

Unfortunately I was not able to burn my year mark shirt.. President Mutumbo said no more of that.. To quote him, he said to the mission: "No more False Traditions" haha so it was kind of scary. So I didn't do it. I will have to send it home and you can all burn it for me haha

This week we were knocking doors in E-Town and we knocked one door and she said she was already a "Born again Christian" she then directed us to the house across the street and said they were new to the area. We happily walk across the street and knock on this door. A girl comes out and she is about 13. Not only is she 13 but she is from India.. Haha she speaks perfect English and we ask if we can talk to her mother. She goes and gets her mother and she too was full blown Indian.. Just didn't speak a lick of English. So we begin to speak and she tells us her name which was "Maldy" well me being deaf called her "Baldy" good thing she doesn't understand English because if she did she would have been offended. The daughter looked offended for her.. Haha So we start trying to share our message with her and make signs and gestures, but the daughter keeps translating all that we are saying. The mom continues to nod her head with a smile. So finally after about 10 times of saying "We are missionaries from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and we are here to share a message about Jesus Christ and His prophets with you" the daughter finally gets tired of translating for us and just walks away.. The mother is just still standing there looking at us awkwardly. We sat there for a little awkward pause and she finally tried to tell us she was going inside. You would have had to be there while this was going on.. But it was the most awkward door approach I have ever had on my mission! Haha

Elder Dixon and I were adding up all the math of approximately how many doors I have knocked on my mission. If I have at least knocked 5 doors a day on my mission.. (Which I have indeed done that.) I would have knocked 1,825 doors. If I knocked around 8-10 doors a day (Which I have come close to that almost all days) I will have knocked 3,650 doors in a year while being a missionary. It's crazy to think about! I've seen alot of "No" because I know for a fact that not all 3650 of those doors and people have been baptized.. Hahahaha

Unfortunately Elder Killian had to go home this past week. He was having medical issues. But it was so weird to see him leave! I was looking forward to hanging out with him in the mission home the night before we were going home. But I will see him when I get home. It was super weird and trunky seeing him in a video stepping off the airplane.. Haha I wasn't expecting him or me to do that for another year.. So it was weird and sad. I know he didn't want to leave early.

We also got to go to the E-town fair, and it was sooo legit. A member named Brother Adam Mcbride took us and he is awesome. He actually works for the church over here! But anyways there were hundreds and hundreds of people and he took us there and was introducing us to everyone! And there were so many people asking us questions about why we were here and what we were doing on our missions! It was so cool! The fair was awesome too. We talked to alot of churches little booths they had set up and really got talking to these people called the Gideons. It was kind of interesting. Haha

But anyways not too much has gone on this week. There will be more next week. We have Zone Conference this week and that will be good!! I love and miss ya!

Love, Elder Welling

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