Monday, November 26, 2018

Great Thanksgiving Week and Eating Pig Intestine (Chitlins)


Sooooooo much has happened this week!! I have a lot of things to report on so buckle up. Haha first off, Thanksgiving was great and we ate with a family here in our branch so it was pretty fun. It's hard to believe that it was my second Thanksgiving in my mission.. Time really has flown!

So I did something this week that I never thought I would do!! We have a friend here in Luray who is a Preacher for another church. So we went to his house and when we got inside it was a day after Thanksgiving. So he says: "Do you all want some food?" we said sure why not! Haha he takes us in the kitchen and says: "alright guys, I want yall to try something!" he then puts some kind of food In a bowl and warms it up in the microwave.. While it's heating up he says that he is going to feeds us some pig. Instantly I had to ask.. "What part of the pig?" he says: "I'm not going to tell you because then you won't eat it.." at this point I was pretty nervous. He takes it out of the microwave and places it in front of us. Guess what it was??! And guess what I ate?!?! I ate PIG INTESTINES!!! It had a really interesting taste. So I can officially say I ate pig intestine. I can honestly say I never saw myself doing that.. Haha

Later this week The Bennett Family from Romney West Virginia drove down to Luray Virginia and took me to dinner with Elder Jex. It was so good to see them again! It made me miss Romney a lot. But I love their family and can't wait for you all to meet them. They are so awesome! I took some pictures with them, so you should see them.

This week we had quite the scary experience as well! Earlier this week on exchanges with a missionary named Elder Mac Brown, we were knocking doors in a trailer park in Luray Virginia. While knocking we found a man and his wife named Beaver and Breezy. Now Beavers real name is Richard and Breezy's real name is Clara. But they go by Breezy and Beaver.. When we met Beaver and Breezy they were busy so they told us to come back the next day. So the next day Elder Jex and I got to the trailer park and parked the car and began to walk through the trailer park talking to people along the way to Beavers trailer. We finally get up to Beavers trailer and we look over and he is outside in Blue Jeans, and no shirt at all. Brief description of this man: Bald head, around 5'5" in height, big beer belly, tattoos all over his body... Anyways we see him outside. As we approach he comes over to us and says: "You know what?"... we kinda gave him a confused look.. He goes on: "You two are God's." we now look at him super super confused and he then yells: "don't look at me like I'm stupid! YOU TWO ARE GOD'S!" very confused at this comment, we look at him more thoroughly and see that he is covered in blood all over his chest. We see that he has tears in his eyes and that both his wrists cut. Alcohol stenched his breath. He looks at us and says: "Y’all are here for a reason. About 5 minutes ago I was going to go behind that trailer here and hang myself." Both mine and Elder Jex’s hearts drop.. Then Beaver looks at us both dead in the eye and says: "Give me one good reason not to hang myself right now." at this point elder Jex and I are just blown away with shock. So of course we take the gospel aspect of it and tell him how precious one soul is in the eyes of God. But then he calls for his friend in a neighboring trailer and asks the man for a Gun.. He says: "Well if I can't hang myself I'm going to use the Gun." again, both elder Jexs and my heart drop because we know that if a drunk man, considering suicide, gets ahold of a gun it won't just be him in danger. So we continue trying to talk him down from his anger. And his conversation continues to get more and more violent. Then all of the sudden he just goes into his trailer and was in there for about 5 minutes. In the meantime elder Jex and I dial 911 and tell them to get here now. While doing so, we start to get away from the trailer and begin to wait for the police officers to arrive. Beaver then comes back out of the trailer and wants us to come closer again. He kept beckoning us to come back closer. So we kept trying to talk him down... 30 minutes LATER the police show up! I couldn't believe that it took them 30 minutes to come to a dangerous situation like this. Any ways we got away from him and kept our distance, but the police officers finally came and took him in an ambulance. Looking at the spiritual aspect of this, I know for a fact that God's hand was all over this situation. He allowed us to be in that spot at the right time to stop and help this man from ending his life. If we had been any earlier or any later who knows what would have happened. So I know God was aware of all of this. The other aspect of this is it was wild and it scared the heck out of us. This whole time a 45 year old, suicidal drunk man is asking two 19 year Olds to give him one good reason not to end his life. It was quite the experience!

Then later this week we were with a member about to go teach an older lady named Barb. We went into her house and started talking with her and then she went and got her two accordions! So I put one on my shoulders and started playing an accordion! Haha it was pretty awesome.

My week has been great and I love Luray already! The Branch is awesome and Elder Jex and I are looking forward to the work here. So much to do and not enough time to do it!

Thanks for the emails and for the support. I hope you had a great thanksgiving! I love and miss ya!

Love, Elder Welling!

Monday, November 19, 2018

Great Week and Happy Thanksgiving

Hey All!!

I am so glad that you all got to go to Elder Fitzgerald homecoming! I know that he was excited to meet you and I'm happy you all got to meet him! I love the kid and was blessed to have him has my trainer. I'm sure he gave a great talk and I'm sure it was cool seeing the Taylor Family as well!! They are a legit family and I miss seeing them!

This week has been so good! It has been a super busy week. We had interviews with President, and a lot of knocking on doors! Haha earlier this week we were in a member’s home and were talking with them. We started talking about how I was now an ASL elder and how we were looking for some deaf people to teach! Then Sister Stanley tells us that she knows a deaf guy and then tells us how we can go and find him. I was sooooo excited! Then about 2 days later, we were sitting and eating lunch in Taco Bell. I looked up from eating and saw a man across the room eating his food. I kept eating and talking to Elder Jex and didn't think much of it. Well, I looked at him again, and this time he was trying to say something to me, but wasn't speaking. He was using his hands!!! So I got up and walked over to him and started talking to this man in Sign language.. With the little I know. Haha anyways he wasn't interested in learning about Jesus Christ or the Church. But it was so cool to find him there. Then later that day we decided we would walk into a gas station and get a drink. We walk in and notice that the cashier at the counter cannot speak and has to write things down for the people buying items! Instantly my heart dropped again because I knew I had to say something but was so scared to give it another I walk up to him and ask if he speaks ASL and asked him if he could teach me some. He said he only knows a little bit of ASL because he is from Nepali.. So he speaks NSL. So that was disappointing.. BUT, he said he has a friend in Luray who speaks ASL and can teach me! So in one day we came in contact with 3 deaf people! It was pretty cool. But also reminded me how little I know.. Haha

This week also has been great for us in other aspects of the work. We found 6 new Investigators this week, which in the East coast doesn't happen too much! Haha 5 of them were found by knocking doors and street contacting. But 1 of them was a Part Member family and it was so awesome!

It also snowed for the first time of the year out here last week and we got to break out our snow gear and everything! So we went outside and had a good time shoveling out our neighbors and talking with them. Great people.

This week we also got a new branch president which was super unexpected. Haha but the whole stake presidency showed up and reorganized the entire branch is what it felt like. So we are looking forward to seeing what will happen with the new guy.

Some things that were said to me this week that were so simple, but so true and profound. This man said:
"If you will do something each and every day to strengthen your testimony, you will never lose it."
He also went on to say:
"You will live a happier life, with fewer regrets, if you live the Gospel of Jesus Christ."

Anyways the week has been busy and I have loved being a missionary. I have been blessed to have this opportunity to serve!

I love and miss you. Thanks for all you do for me! I hope you allhave a great Thanksgiving this week! Love ya!

Love, Elder Welling!

Monday, November 12, 2018

First week in Luray

Hey All!!

What a week of CHANGE!! I guess the Lord just wants to keep me in the Branch life. I served 4-5ish months in the Romney West Virginia Branch and I loved the people there so much. And then 4 months later The Lord calls me to the Luray Virginia Branch which is in the exact same stake that Romney is! Serving in a branch allows you to learn and grow so much. I am so thankful for the opportunities that I have been given to see and observe these branches.

First off, just one week ago Sarah Sedefoglu was Baptized in Elizabethtown PA. Just this last Saturday after I had left E-Town she went to the Philadelphia Temple and was baptized for her family!! I messaged her and asked her how it was and she said "Oh it was Beautiful!" it made me so happy to see that she was in the temple doing work for her family that has passed on. So amazing!!

I was brought all the way over to Virginia from Pennsylvania by The McBrides! I was so thankful that they were so willing to drive me clear over to Virginia. It was quite a trek for them, it was a 4 hour drive there and back. If there is one word that describes the McBride family it would be the Word: "Servant". They truly are the Lord's Servants! I learned so much from there great example on how to serve Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father's Children. This family serves the Lord and it is amazing. They are Great people that I will never forget and will for sure come back and visit! I love the McBride Family!

I was dropped off in Virginia on Tuesday the 6th of November and I came to Luray and was then with my new companion Elder Jacob Jex! He is from Redlands California and he is a track guy. He has been out for about 6 weeks longer than me and we are still trying to figure the area out. It's a different area. But I think it will be a really good companionship!

My second day here in Luray, Elder Jex and I were walking around and all of the sudden I started to feel very very sick and dizzy. The whole day I felt like I was going to puke. Finally I told Elder Jex that we needed to stop at the church because I was going to puke. After a stop at the church we walked all the way Home. As soon as I got home I puked off and on for an hour straight. I then tried to drink some water. I started feeling a little better so we decided that we could go out and continue working to finish the night off. We drive about 15 miles away from home and then it hits again.. The only thing in the general area to go puke is Burger King.. So I ran in and used the bathroom real fast.. Not too sure why I was sick. But I feel great right now! Hahaha great way to start off the transfer I guess! Haha

The branch here is not too similar to Romney. It's smaller and the building is an old eye doctor place. We don't have our own building here and it's pretty small. We have about 12-15 active every week. So it will be interesting! Luray has about 4000 people in it and it has been good so far! The weather is getting sooo cold here and I'm not sure how I feel about it!

This last week we have been meeting with a good friend of ours named Audre King! He is a part time Pentecostal pastor. He invites us to his Bible study every week at his church and we go. It was interesting! Haha I will be writing about this in my weekly hand written letter home.. So stay tuned. Haha

Learning sign language has been going alright. We texted President Mutumbo about how I am supposed to continue learning ASL. And he said he would get back to us. But elder Jex has been helping me study and it has been going great! I learned a lot this week on my own and I have loved it.

The first week I was here in Luray we asked EVERYONE if they knew some deaf people here in Luray and they said that they have some deaf people here! Now we just got to find them. Haha

So last week I gave you the almost correct address.. Haha so here is the completely right address:

300 1st Street.
Apartment E
Luray VA, 22835

I hope you have a great week! I love and miss you!

Love, Elder Welling