Monday, December 10, 2018

Being Led by the Spirit and Vicious Viper

Hey All,
This week has been a good one. It flew by and it's all a big blur.. Haha but I'm going to try and remember all that we did so I can share it.

This week has been good. This week I have been working on learning American Sign Language a lot. And it's going so good!! I've made so much progress this week and I am so excited about it! I can actually talk in sentences now and communicate with people regularly. So it's going very good. And the Lord has definitely been helping me along the way, so it has been a blessing. Learning ASL has helped me grow and learn so much. Learning a language in middle of my mission was not something I was expecting.. And it's frustrating sometimes. But the Lord has helped me and improved my mind so that I can remember each sign for each word. It's grown my faith so much. There is no way I would have been able to learn this much, this fast, if I were at home! 

This week we had a lesson with an older man named Mark. He is doing really well and he is keeping all the commitments that we give him! Haha this last week in a lesson with him we had planned to teach him and his Girl Friend the Gospel of Jesus Christ lesson. But as we were talking with him the conversation went in the direction the spirit told us. Instead of talking about the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we ended up talking about the history behind The Book of Mormon. Which I thought was pretty weird and wasn't the most spiritual thing we could talk about. But when we followed the prompting to talk about the History of the Book, we realized that Mark is a huge fan of history. Like he LOVES it. So as we started talking about the record and the ancient history of it, wheels started to turn and lights were clicking on in his head! It was so cool! He was asking so many great questions. We then talked to him about Christ coming to America to visit the ancients here. As soon as we brought this up and taught it to him, he just sat there for a second and said "I have been wondering about that my whole life.. Questions I had been wondering about my whole life, you two just answered." apparently his whole he had been wondering why Jesus Christ wouldn't visit the rest of the world and only stayed in the Middle East. So when we taught him that Christ manifests himself to ALL nations, he was so excited and the spirit was sooooo strong. He was so excited to pray about The Book of Mormon and the Truthfulness of the record! It was so cool to see the spirit lead the lesson and then carry the message right to his heart.

It has officially snowed here in Virginia so I guess Christmas is actually coming.. Haha I'm not too excited about the snow. When the snow comes it means that absolutely no one is out on the streets walking around. Haha which means we have to knock a lot more doors. But I'm excited for this Christmas season. I can't believe it’s already my second one on the mission!

I also tried some hot sauce this week named "Vicious Viper"... As soon as it touched my mouth it made my face go red and my mouth numb. My mouth was instantly stinging! Haha so lesson learned: Vicious viper is pretty dang vicious. Hahaha

We also had a lady knock on our apartment door and ask us if she could use our plunger.. Haha that was pretty random and kind of awkward. Haha in Romney they would knock on our trailer door and ask for money.. Here in Luray they knock on our door and ask for plungers. Haha it was pretty funny. 

Not too much happened this week here in Luray. We have transfers coming up on the 19th. I will probably stay here in Luray and Elder Jex will. Probably get transferred. He has been here for 3! So we will see what happens, we find out this coming Saturday the 15th.

I'm looking forward to this coming week. We have a lot of things going for us and I'm excited to start pushing it a little harder so we can start seeing the real stuff!!! Haha I hope you have a great week!! I love and miss you! 

Love, Elder Welling!

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