Monday, December 17, 2018

Time is Flying By

Hi All,

How is it going?! Haha everything this week is going pretty great! I know I say this every week... But TIME IS FLYING BY.

So the picture of us with the lady watching the TV was funny as heck! We were all dying. We invited sooooo many people to the branch building to watch the First Presidency Christmas Devotional.. After inviting tons and tons of people the only person to show up was Sister Stanley! We all thought it was against the rules to be in the building alone with a woman.. So we decided to sit outside and watch it through the window.. We all thought it was pretty funny!

We will have Zone Conference this coming week. Not sure what it will be.. I heard we are going caroling around the town where Zone Conference is.. So we will see!! Haha it will be interesting!

I got the Christmas packages from you all and they are great! Thank you so much!! I have loved everything I have gotten so far!!

This week has been pretty good!! We found out yesterday that Elder Jex will be leaving and he Will be a Zone Leader in the Chambersburg PA zone! I will be staying here.  I am also the new District Leader here. I will be getting a new companion named Elder Kershaw. I have no idea who he is so I can't answer very many questions about him. Haha but I'm sure he will be cool and he is most likely from Utah. So I will have more details on that next week! I'm sad That Elder Jex is leaving, we had some dang good times. We worked hard and we played hard which always makes a good time! But I am super excited to be staying in Luray. The branch is awesome and I look forward to staying here and working with these great members! 

This week while walking around in the back hill of Virginia we were walking in the snow and it was cold and it was dark. Haha we then found this house in the middle of nowhere. So we park and start walking down this dark long, snowy driveway to knock on the door. But before we could even get to the door, a bright bright light flips on from the middle of nowhere and yells "Hey!" it scared the crap out of us. It turns out, the little old guy saw us coming and then went outside and hid. Then blinded us with this light. Haha and I guess we scared him pretty badly as well! All he saw was 2 dark figures coming down his driveway. So I don't blame him. But it made us scream like 2 little girls. Haha

Our little branch had a Christmas dinner/party this past week and we had 3 investigators there which was awesome. We are just trying to get them all to come to church now.. Haha 

We met a lady this week named Pam. She is a middle aged woman and we met her knocking doors. We taught her The Restoration and it was sooo good!! She told us before we started teaching her that she really likes small congregations and that her small church is about to shut down due to no money coming into their church to pay for it all. Which is perfect because we have a small congregation!! Haha so we will see how it goes with her.

We have continued to work on ASL this week and it's coming along! We are learning fast and now we are in contact with some ASL sister Missionaries, so they are sending us videos and we are learning from them as well!

Anyways I am looking forward to seeing you all on Christmas day! I can't believe it has been 7 months since I have seen you all face to face. It flew. Anyways keep enjoying this season, it's always my favorite time of the year! I love and miss ya!

Love, Elder Welling!

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