Monday, April 8, 2019

General Conference... Come Listen to a Prophets Voice

Hey All!

This last weekend marks my fourth General Conference on my mission, which means it was my last one! It is so weird and hard to believe that I have no more General Conferences as a full-time missionary. 

Over the last 4 conferences, I have learned how great of a blessing it is to have living modern day Apostles and Prophets. Yesterday as I listened to President Nelson, and heard his warning voice to the people, I was filled with so much gratitude for the amazing blessing it is to have a Prophet of God to guide us in these Latter-days! As I have followed prophetic counsel on my mission, I have seen a significant change in my life. When I follow the Prophet there is a dramatic change in the joy that I feel DAILY! Yesterday he reminded each of us that it is absolutely essential to make and keep Covenants with God if we ever desire to live in an exalted state with our families in eternity. His talk was bold and Soooo powerful! He truly is a Prophet of God. I hope that everyone takes his counsel and follows it with exactness. 

It was such a great weekend, and I will for sure miss conference weekends as a missionary. I seriously get more excited for conference weekend as a missionary then I did as a teenager for the super bowl.. Haha I love it!

In between conference sessions, we and the other elders in our ward had a little challenge. Haha we had 2 hours in between sessions, and the companionship that found the most people to teach in Baltimore within an hour won.. So they dropped us off in the middle of the city and we went our separate ways. About an hour later, Elder Howell and I found 1 new person to teach named Marvin. After this find we felt pretty accomplished and called the elders to come pick us up. When we got in the car we asked them how many they found in an hour. (We were pretty proud of our one person haha) when we asked, we assumed that they had found none.. But they then informed us that they had found 3 new people to teach in an hour.. So we lost. Haha But it wasn't too fair because they found a part Member Family, which gave them an easy three! ;) 

What a week it has been here in Chesapeake! It has flown by and the work moves on here! I would have to say one of my favorite things about being here in Chesapeake is that we get to see the other missionaries in our ward 5 out of the 7 days in a week! Haha in some of my previous areas, we would only see missionaries once a week at District Meeting. But in this area I see them every day and it's so legit. Haha it makes everything more fun that's for sure. Our ward has 7 Baptisms coming up on April 27! So we are finding and baptizing a ton of people in this ward. It has been amazing!

We had interviews with President Mutombo this last week and I love that man! While I was in my interview with him, he got a call from a Salt Lake Doctor who was calling to check up with his wife. Apparently, Sister a Mutombo is pregnant and she is due in May! I thought that it was super cool that they are having a baby. President Mutombo is only 42 and he has 5 kids so he is still pretty young! Haha

We had exchanges this week with some of the Elders in our district. I brought Elder Coombs back to my area and him and I cruised around on the busses in the city of Baltimore all day! Haha we had a killer day and found 3 very elect people that were searching for the truth. All of them said they were down to come to church!

I'm so glad that all of you are doing so well. It makes me happy each week to receive emails that contain positive and healthy updates on the family! I'm glad everything is moving forward again. 

It has been a challenging and inspiring week. I am so grateful for a loving Prophet to lead us through a darkening world. One of my favorite things said in Conference was how "Salvation is a personal matter, but Exaltation is a family matter!" I love you all and thank you for everything!

Love, Elder Welling! 

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