Monday, April 29, 2019

Just Like that I was Kissed

Hey All!

What a week! First off everything went great with the transition of companions! On Wednesday we got everything lined up and then we traded companions and started off the new Transfer! My new Companion is Elder Tyler Beus. He is San Diego California and he is a surfer dude! Haha he has been out 7 months and was in my district over in Virginia for a while from December 2018 until March 2019. And now he is my companion! He is super cool and we are getting work done here in Baltimore! We are hitting the work hard and keeping everything going.

On Wednesday of this week our ward had 5 baptisms! The Adeloula Family from Nigeria decided to be baptized and it was so amazing to see. They are such an elect family and the joy on their faces that day was amazing to see. The speaker for the Baptism didn't show up.. And so the other elders in our ward kindly asked me to fill in with a few minutes notice. Haha so I ended up speaking on spot, but by now I should be used to that as a missionary. Haha on Saturday of this last week another person in our ward named Jamar Coleman got Baptized! He is so cool and I sent pictures of him and I home last week.

Earlier this week we received news in the mission that our mission presidents wife, Sister Mutombo, has given birth to a baby girl! It was so cool to hear. She gave birth three weeks earlier than the due date, but the baby is happy and healthy and President just got a whole lot busier. Haha I can't even imagine hot busy that man is!

While working in an area south of Baltimore named Dundalk Maryland, it was blazing hot but the weather app was calling for rain.. So I brought a rain jacket. During the day I regretted my decision to bring one because I needed uo carrying it ALL day. Haha but then, just as the weather had predicted, big rain clouds came and a classic east coast rain storm hit in minutes. The rain in the east is a whole other caliber than the west. Rain on the west coast is weak compared to the east coast rain! In the east, if you walk outside for 5 seconds it looks and feels as if you just stepped out of the shower completely dressed. Haha when the rains hit that day I was no longer regretting my decision to bring a rain jacket.. But even with the rain jacket, I was soaked from head to toe and we even left puddles and puddles of water on the bus. Haha

A funny/Scary story that happened this week was at church yesterday.. A guy we haven't been teaching very long showed up to church. As he was approaching the building we went out and greeted him. I brought him in for a Bro Hug and then BOOM. He pulls me in for something a little more than I intended.. He straight up kissed me. But no worries I barely dodged him and he got my cheek.. Haha so after this happened we all went in and attended church. Half way through priesthood he pulled me out in the hallway and asked me a few questions. At the end of our talk he pulled me in for another hug and kissed me on the cheek AGAIN. I looked at my companion pretty terrified this time. Haha I had no idea what to do. Its something I'll never forget that's for sure! I guess I can officially say I have been kissed on my mission. Haha

Anyways, This week Elder Beus and I found 5 new elect people to teach here in Baltimore, our goal is to find new person to teach every single day. So we came close this week, but still fell a little short. But there is always this week ;)

Well thanks for the emails and support! I love and miss you! I hope you have a great week!

Love, Elder Welling

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