Monday, May 6, 2019

Finding the Elect

Hey All!!

What a week it has been here in Chesapeake! Elder Beus and I have been getting work here in the Bay and have been having a good time while doing so. Haha

This week we saw many miracles and spiritual experiences. We have been praying daily each morning for The Lord to place elect persons in our path and every single day The Lord has placed people in our path that are searching for the truth. It's been Soooo Legit.

One time this week we felt like we needed to be in an apartment complex that was somewhat close to our house. While being in the complex we were stopping by some formers and potentials. One door we knocked on turned out to be the elect person the Lord had sent us there for. Vanessa Parker opened the door and expressed her interest in what we shared. She had some great questions which included what our church believed on healing? We talked to her for a little bit about The Atonement of Christ and finding healing through Him, and then a scripture flew into my mind that didn't make sense at all to say at that moment. Moroni 8:25 came into my mind and I felt that I needed to share it with her.
"25 And the first fruits of repentance is baptism; and baptism cometh by faith unto the fulfilling the commandments; and the fulfilling the commandments bringeth remission of sins;" even though baptism had nothing at all to do with what we were talking about, my companion and I taught her that divine spiritual healing comes through living the commandments, being faithful, and repenting. We then said that healing would come through baptism by someone holding authority. After we taught her this she looked at us and said: "You know what.. I was baptized before in another church.. But After listening to you two talk, I feel like I need to be baptized again. I want to feel the spirit in my life." so what originally felt like a funny prompting from the spirit to share with her Moroni 8:25, turned into this lady committing to Baptism! It was so crazy! The Lord is preparing people daily for His gospel and it is amazing to witness.

This week I officially turned 20 years old... I'm a quarter of the way dead! Haha it's pretty crazy not to be a teenager anymore. But to be honest I don't feel much different being 20 instead of 19 ;) my birthday was alright, I actually got sick on my birthday. Haha last Monday I bought these pork chops from a cheap cheap store here and then I ate one the day before my birthday. Then when I woke up on my birthday I felt like complete trash. Haha and I felt like that the wholeeee day. So I blame the nasty/cheap pork chop.. Haha

We have been bussing around Baltimore this week and as usual we have seen a bunch of wacky things that make you wanna look twice to make sure you saw it correctly the first time, and then we see some things that make us look once and never want to look again. Hahaha there is never a dull moment on a Baltimore Bus.

This week was great, and I have loved serving God. I'm grateful for this opportunity and these experiences that will stay with me the rest of my life! Thanks for the email and for all of the birthday wishes this last week! I love and miss you!

Love, Elder Welling!

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