Monday, May 20, 2019

Finishing Strong with 100 days left

Hey All!

What a week it has been here in the Chesapeake Bay! The humidity and heat have officially hit and we are in the summer weather! It's getting to the point again where you just walk outside and feel wet all the time. Haha I'm not a huge fan of that feeling!

Elder Beus and I have been Killin' it here in the Bay, we found a lot of new people to teach this week and have been helping them progress. We found a sweet African family that seriously lives across the street from us.. Haha so they will be super easy to keep track of!

Earlier this week Elder Beus and I were walking around a place in our area called Dundalk Maryland. While walking around it was super hot and we were trying to locate the bus. We checked when the next bus would be there to pick us up and we had 20 minutes until the bus came to pick us up. While deciding what to do, we stood at the corner where all the busses stop and were deciding between walking away and working for 20 minutes in another area and then coming back to the bus stop to get on the bus or to just stay at the bus stop and wait for the bus. Then a strong thought came across my mind, and I just felt that we shouldn't walk away from the bus stop and work in another area for 20 minutes, but that we should stay at the bus stop and wait 20 minutes for the bus. So we did stay at the bus stop, and sat down on a bench. Only 30 seconds later, after sitting down at the bus stop, another bus pulls up and parks right in front of us. (It wasn't the bus we were waiting for. We were waiting for a 63 bus, the bus that pulled up was a 62.) any ways, as the bus pulled up a lady got off the bus in front of us and approached us. She got over to us and said: "Are you all Mormon?" we answered yes and she then says: "Can I have a priesthood blessing? My boyfriend was murdered a week ago in downtown Baltimore and I really need help right now." We were a bit shocked, but agreed to help her and give her the blessing. She then told us her story about how she is from Ogden Utah and is a looooong lost member. After the blessing that we gave to her there, she agreed to come back to church! It is such a cool experience to witness God orchestrate divine events. It all started with a strong feeling to stay at a bus stop. We didn't understand the prompting at the time, but as we followed the prompting from the spirit, The Lord led us to a woman who desperately needed help at that exact time. Time and time again over the Last two years, my testimony has been strengthened of how much God is aware of us, how much He loves us, and how much He directs this great Latter-day work!

A day after we had the prompting to wait at the bus stop, we were walking around Dundalk again! While walking this time, we happened to come across a random driver's license that was laying in middle of the road. We picked it up and looked at it and tried to find a phone number on it so we could return it to the girl that had supposedly lost it. We found no number, but we did find a name and so we decided to search her up on Facebook and send her a message. We sent her a picture of the drivers license and told her who we were and how we found it. She messaged back and said: "OH MY GOSH!! YES THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH. A GROUP OF KIDS STOLE MY PURSE OUT OF MY CAR!!" We then set up a day and time to return the license back to her. It was another time this week that showed me how aware God is of our situations. He knew that she was worried about all of her things that had been stolen from her car. And His missionaries happened to walk past it laying in the road a couple days later. God leads our paths a little more than we think He does. He is always involved a lot more than we think He is!

Other than these things our week was a basic week of walking, talking and riding the sketchy busses of Baltimore! Haha no gun shots were heard this week while walking around so that is a plus I guess ;)
And yes, as of today, I have 100 days left!  That is insane and it will come fast.  I can’t believe how fast my mission is slipping away and almost over.  I want to finish strong.  I am gonna go and get the work done!

I hope you have a great week! Thanks for all the love and support! I love and miss you!

Love, Elder Welling!

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