Monday, July 16, 2018

Interviews, Slow Week & Growing Testimony

Hey all, How’s it going?

We had interviews with President Mutumbo this last Friday and that was awesome. Each interview with him was 40 minutes and he is so legit. He seriously has come in with so many ideas and so much fire. He got to know us and asked us a ton of questions. He gave me so many ideas and advice and he is so focused and ready to work! He is pretty flipping intense. Haha I was sweating pretty hard while I was in there with him! Haha.  Cool story though.. While in my interview he had a book full of mission presidents that came out with him. As he was flipping through my eye caught a glimpse of Deb Checketts! So I said Hey!! That's my aunt and uncle!! So he flipped back to the page and we looked at Dave and Deb! He then said he was going to send a message to Dave saying he had me in his mission! He even remembers shaking Dave's hand at the MTC! Haha
The experience we had at the house I wrote to you about was so crazy!! We were so mind blown and whacked up! Haha but it gave me good experience and I learned from it! So crazy!!

That's pretty cool that you went to Bountiful and met and ate lunch with Elder Munden’s parents!!

I would laugh so hard if Dad started his forum speech with brothers and sisters hahaha but just pray really really hard that you can be given utterance at the forum haha I've for sure gained a strong testimony of that. It's amazing to feel word flow out and come out right there and then on the spot. It's an indescribable feeling.

This week we only found one new investigator. But everything has been going quite a little slower. This week has actually been full of rejection. Haha we knocked and knocked and knocked and door after door was slammed. We talked to over 100 people this week and every single one rejected. It was kind of crazy. So we are hoping this week gets a little better!

But out of the 100 people that we talked to, we had 1 Person respond and open up. Which made all the rejection worth it. I've really come to know and learn that as the Lord allows us to experience rejection, pain, sorrow and sadness, he is only doing it so that we know and appreciate the joy and good times we have. We will learn how to savor the happiness. 

There are Spanish speaking elders in my district so I went on exchanges in York Pennsylvania this last week. We taught a bunch of Spanish people and I had no idea what was going on so I just kept nodding my head and saying Si.. And Gracias hahaha it was quite interesting. 

My testimony if this church grows stronger and stronger each week. This work is so real and so true!!! Being on a mission has allowed me to realize how blessed we truly are to be a part of the True and Restored gospel Of Jesus Christ. I don't know how people live without it. I'm so grateful for the blessings we enjoy as families and individuals to have a foundation for our lives and have a sense of direction this gospel provides. 

Something valuable President Mutumbo taught me this last week was that if anyone ever asks you if you have something to say.. Whether it is in a meeting at church or wherever.. Never say "No I have nothing."
He said to always always always have something to say. He said something as simple as "I know that Jesus is the Christ" can change someone's life around you. He said never to be afraid to bear short, powerful testimony. It can change someone's life!
The members are treating us very well! We eat with them most every night.  We are starting to get a lot of things going and I am enjoying being here. The work is moving forward!

Sorry this week's email is super short.. But this week has been super slow. Haha nothing to big has happened. So thanks for everything! Hope you have a great week! Love ya!

Love, Elder Welling! 

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