Monday, July 8, 2019

Getting to teach in ASL

Hey All!! 

Another week down here in the Chesapeake area! I really do love this area and will definitely be sad if I am transferred out this upcoming week.. We will be fining out if I am staying or leaving this coming Saturday, and it will be the last time I will either be staying or leaving to a new area on my mission! The next time this comes I will be Transferred back home to Evanston Wyoming ;) time is seriously flying though. I never knew how fast time could go until I put a name tag on.. Haha when they say it was the fastest 2 years of their lives, they are not kidding. Haha it's crazy!

This week has been sweet!! We have been working with our friend Herman this week and he came to church again this week!! So we are planning on putting him on date to be baptized this week and hoping that we can get him baptized soon. He told us yesterday that his wife really wants him to come to her church.. But that our church is the way he is leaning more towards. So we have great hopes of him joining here pretty soon!

Earlier this week something happened that threw me off guard at first.. Haha we found this lady named Adriane on the street in a place called Rosedale! As we approached her we found that she was deaf and she also spoke American Sign Language!! When she first started to try and tell us that she was deaf and she only spoke sign language, I was in complete shock. Haha first off I haven't had very many opportunities at all since my assignment had been changed from an English elder to an ASL to talk to any deaf people.. So when I found that I was in front of the real deal here I actually froze like a brick. Haha I understood what she was saying but I just couldn't respond.. Haha it was awkward. Finally after like 30 seconds of her talking I started to sign back to her and told her that we would love to come back Friday and teach her about The Restored Gospel! So we are going back Friday and I'm gonna teach her a whole lesson in ASL.. Haha pray for me. This will be my first ASL lesson completely by myself. I will need all the prayers I can get. Haha

For the 4th of July this year we really didn't do much other than proselyte.. And boy was it HOT. The humidity and heat out here is killer. It's been above 90° the entire week and the humidity has been in the high 70s-80s too so that means that our weather app tells us that it feels like 104° outside.. It's been blazing. Haha I've never appreciated Air conditioning so much in my life until my mission.

Unfortunately I don't have any good Baltimore Bus stories this week.. We chose to stay out of Baltimore for the 4th of July because we were told that on the 4th of July in Baltimore you never know if the people are shooting up or at you.. With guns or with fireworks.. So we chose to stay away from it this week. But we will be there all this week, so I'm sure I'll have a good one next week. Haha this best thing we saw all week was "The Soap Guy".. It's this dude that legit steals soap from stores and then brings them on the bus and sells them and everyone on the bus goes crazy and buys them like crazy. Haha this guy gets loads of money doing this. It's super weird to watch, but we have become accustomed to it. Haha

Anyways, thanks for the emails and support! Time is flying and I'm excited for everything that is coming! I love and miss you!

Love, Elder Welling!

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