Monday, July 1, 2019

More Adventures on a Bus

Hey All! 

This week has been CRAZY.  Haha so many things have happened and time has flown so fast.  I just wish I had a video camera attached to me 100% of the time and you could tune into watch anytime of the day.  Haha you wouldn't be disappointed at all.

First and foremost, our friend Herman who we have been working with day and night finally came to church this week!  It was so sweet to see him finally come and be with the members. So hopefully he continues to progress.  We are going to invite him to be baptized this week!  I'm sure you are familiar with Shaquille O'Neal.  Our friend Herman is legit a mini Shaq. Haha he is so cool and big, and would be a sweet body guard while walking around the streets of Baltimore!  Haha

Again this week we had another wild adventure on a Baltimore bus. We were headed back to our apartment from Baltimore city and a man in a white tank top, dreads and baggy pants gets on.  I didn't think much of it, that's the usual thing we see.  But then as he made his way toward the middle of the bus I noticed that he was limping pretty bad. He couldn't walk very well either.  He looked like he was hurting every time he took a step. Well, about 5 minutes went by and everything is fine.  But then he shot up out of his seat and hobbled to the front and demands the bus driver to drop him off right there and then. (The bus was stopped at a red light in the middle of an intersection) The bus driver said “no” and that he would have to wait for the next stop. Well of course, our injured friend blows up and yells: "Lady!! I've been shot in the leg and I can't walk!! I got on the wrong bus and I need to head the other way towards the hospital!"  This guy had been legit shot in the leg and was trying to get to the hospital but got on the wrong bus. The bus driver again told him that she couldn't drop him off right there but he would have to wait. That of course made our shot friend very angry and he started using every swear word imaginable.  Seriously I have heard them all now.  Haha after arguing with the bus driver for a good while, he saw that she wasn't going to drop him off until the next stop.  So he called her a few choice names, and then started hobbling to the middle of the bus. He is still throwing off the F-word every 2 words. Haha when he gets to the middle of the bus he pulls the emergency latch on one of the windows and opens the window up and jumps out. When he got to the ground, he looked back at the bus driver and called her a few more names and then slammed the window so hard that he broke it.  But this guy legit jumped out the window with a shot leg. It was crazy. And this all happened while stopped at a red light in downtown Baltimore.  Haha good times.

We also got a new ward mission leader and he is sweet!! His name is Michael but we call him Nikita!  He is from the Philippines and he brought his 2 other brothers with him as well!  They all served missions and they are so sweet!  They are all trying to save money up at the moment so they can bring their wives and kids over to the states.  But they are killer guys and they are always on top of things.  We are going to start going on runs in the mornings with them for our morning exercises at 6:30!

Recently President Mutombo invited the entire mission to consecrate 20 minutes of our personal study time each day to study and ponder the Atonement of Jesus Christ. So I began to do so and I found a general conference talk by President Russell M. Nelson in April 2017. (SWEET talk btw, you should definitely read it. Haha) and President Nelson challenged us to do this in his talk: "I ask the young adults of the Church to consecrate a portion of their time each week to study everything Jesus said and did as recorded in the standard works. I invite them to let the scriptural citations about Jesus Christ in the Topical Guide become their personal core curriculum.  I gave that challenge because I had already accepted it myself. I read and underlined every verse cited about Jesus Christ, as listed under the main heading and the 57 subtitles in the Topical Guide. When I finished that exciting exercise, my wife asked me what impact it had on me. I told her, “I am a different man!” I felt a renewed devotion to Him."

When I read that challenge I decided that I needed to do that myself. So the next day I started doing the same thing President Nelson asked the young adults to do 2 years ago, and as I did so, I too found a new sense of gratitude and conversion to Jesus Christ and all that He has done for me personally. I know there is power in following God's Prophet, because as President Nelson promised, I also felt a renewed devotion to Christ and a new look on His Atonement.  I'm definitely not finished with the challenge yet.  There are 57 subtitles and hundreds of scriptures, but I'll finish before I come home! ;)

Time keeps ticking down, and the weeks and days are falling off the clock like crazy. I hope you are ready for me to come home cause it's coming whether we are all ready or not.  Haha thanks for the love and support, I love and miss you!

Love, Elder Welling!

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