Monday, July 29, 2019

The Baltimore Leaners

Hey All!

No worries, I am still alive and well here in the City. Haha I'm loving it here and I am definitely having a good time ;)

This week has been another good one here on the West side of Baltimore! The city life just makes time feel so much faster. I love it here! You always see something new, and you are always being surprised by the things you see on the streets. Haha it's great.

This area is super sweet because it's the first area I've had on my mission where I can actually use ASL! This week we had 3 lessons with 3 deaf people and it was so cool! In church we are also asked to translate and interpret for the deaf members in sacrament and Sunday school! So I will be getting lots and lots of practice with ASL this transfer! Elder Shepherd is also an ASL elder so we get to do language study every day, and we are also teaching Elder Griffin ASL. We are hoping that President will assign him to be ASL after this transfer, because here pretty soon the 6 ASL elders in our mission will all be home! So we will be needing some new ones!

With this being my last transfer I have been thinking a lot about everything that has happened on my mission. The trials, the life lessons, the miracles, the experiences, and the accomplishments. There really are so many things that The Lord Blesses you with as you serve Him. He gives you these life lessons and experiences so that we can appreciate what He has done for us, and become more like Him.

There are so many miracles that happen daily and each one is orchestrated so perfectly that it is impossible to deny the intervention of Divinity. God is in every detail of our lives and He knows each one of us perfectly. One of the greatest miracles of my mission has been the opportunity to watch as God directs these happenings and miracles. God promises that if we follow His Spirit it "will show unto [us] all things what [we] should do." All we have to do is say and follow the thoughts He will put into our hearts, (Even if it sounds crazy at the time.. Haha) and miracles will happen every time. Large and small. God will use you as an instrument in His hands to be an answer to someone else's prayer. There is no greater feeling than knowing that God used you to be His miracle in that moment.

So something I don't think I have mentioned in any of my emails is The Baltimore Leaners! I first experienced this when on a bus. A Baltimore Leaner is a person that is so high on drugs that they are completely out of it, but they somehow stay standing. The kicker though is that while they are standing, their entire upper half of their body is bent completely over towards the ground. Almost as if they are bending over to pick something up. Some learners fall eventually. But for the most part they stay standing up and it amazes me.. Haha I have no idea how they stay standing up and not fall all bent over like that.. But they do it! Haha that's why they are called Baltimore Leaners!

Throughout my entire my entire life I grew up a Pittsburgh Steelers fan thanks to my dad. Haha when I received my mission call to Baltimore one of my first thoughts was the fact that The Baltimore Ravens are rivals to the Pittsburgh Steelers! The two teams hate each other. Well this past week we were walking around the streets of Baltimore talking to people about Jesus Christ. We see this guy on the street and we were trying to teach him about the gospel. While doing so I told him that I liked his Baltimore Ravens Jersey.. But then afterwards I made the mistake of saying: "I am actually a Pittsburgh Steelers fan.." and this guy seriously stopped talking to us on spot and walked away.. Haha mid conversation he just walks away without another word. I've learned to not open my mouth about The Steelers right in the middle of Baltimore. Haha

Anyways I am loving my time here and I love my mission. The people and members are great and I love them! Thanks for the email and the updates. I can't wait to see you all in 4 weeks! I love and miss you!

Love, Elder Welling 

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