Monday, July 15, 2019

Last and Final Transfer

Hey All!!

Another week has come and gone.. Time is a weird thing sometimes. Haha it's seriously going so fast.

My prayers have been answered and my mother's nightmares have come true.. Haha my entire mission I served in rural areas and as people say "the BOONIES".. In 18 months I served in the Maryland Baltimore Mission, but never touched Baltimore!! My prayers were answered 5 months ago when I was sent to Chesapeake area which sits right on the Chesapeake Bay and covers the entire east side of the city.. Then in the recent weeks I knew I would be getting transferred and I was super sad that I would be leaving the city of Baltimore. My mom and dad were probably pretty excited that I was getting transferred because of how sketch the city life is.. Butttttt this week I found out that I am being transferred out of The Chesapeake area (Which I'm super sad about. I love the people and members here a ton.) and I am being transferred to The Baltimore Inner Harbor Area!! Which covers the entire West Side of the city!!! Hahaha I'm staying in the same stake, just opposite side of the city. I thought that was pretty funny. And on top of that I am going to be training a Brand New missionary in a trio!! So Elder Shepard (who came out with me) will also be training this new missionary with me in the Inner harbor area! So I will be in a trio for my last 6 weeks of being a missionary as well! Crazy stuff.. Haha it's going be a wild ride. I am super excited to be training a brand new missionary again though! It's so much fun and I can't think of a better way to end my mission.

We have had some serious miracles this week here in the Bay!! We have met with our friend Herman a few times this week and his progress is amazing. He called us before Sunday and told us that he knows that this is the right church for him because every time we come we bring a different kind of feeling with us and he notices that the feeling comes and goes when we come and go in and out of his house. He said that he feels this is right! So we invited him to be baptized on August 3, 2019 and he without hesitation said: "Yes!" I am Soooo excited for him! He then came to church yesterday and we over heard him talking to a member, and the member asked him who he was, Herman said: "My name is Herman and I am preparing to become a member of the church and be baptized." The member was a little shocked at the answer but congratulated him. Haha it's been so cool to see Herman progress over the last few weeks, he wants a fresh start on his life so bad and he knows that baptism is the way to do it! So August 3rd is the day!!

Then on Saturday of this last week Latif Sedefoglu got baptized into the Elizabethtown ward in PA my old area! Latif is the husband of Sarah and the Father of Ayla who I had the chance to teach and baptize while I was there, and Latif the dad just got Baptized this last week!! So the whole family in the space of 7 months have been baptized! It made me so happy to see that a family that I worked so much with ALL joined the church and were baptized. That family has changed my life and I love each one of them as if they were my family. The Sedefoglu Family is without a doubt one of the reasons God sent me to this mission. He knew they would change my life!

So this week I have another Baltimore bus story! Haha it was 8:50pm and we were bussing home after a long day of walking and talking to people in the hot heat. And while we were sitting there, a man in a wheel chair sat across from us and was like very upset at something or someone. He kept cussing and swearing, and then he would stop talking and he would start crying. Then he would start cussing again and swearing, and then cry some more! I had no idea what he was mad about, but while I was watching this whole process he reaches in his back pack and pulls out a little red straw. When I saw it I didn't think much of it. But then he reaches in his back pack again and pulls out a little bag of powder.. He then dumps the bag of powder out on a flat price of paper and straightens the powder out on the paper with a credit card and makes a straight line out of the powder. Then he gets the red straw into position and yep... He snorted all this powder up his nose... I about fell off my chair. Haha I was like what the freak?! So now this man had my undivided attention. Haha then five minutes later this man bent over forwards in his wheel chair and was OUT. like he wasn't moving, and for a time it didn't look like he was breathing.. So I legit thought that he was dead and I was gonna have to be the one to tell the bus driver to call 911.. Then to my relief I saw him breathing again. Haha but whatever the drug was, it knocked him OUT cold! Crazy stuff. Haha

Anyways, thanks for the love and support! I love and miss you, and I can't believe that I'll see you in only 6 weeks.. Hopefully you are ready for that. Haha love ya!

Love, Elder Welling!

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